Eliyahu were did he go?

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Please Note: On this page I will show the four letter blessed *“Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit -  - Y-H-V-H, which we usually pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem”. At all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and when we even see the Name, we should say “blessed be His Sanctified Name.”


*This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15.


Also: This study may not be suitable for non-Jewish readers, as it contains Hebrew terminologies, although some are translated. However, you may well find it interesting as there is so much to learn from this incredible event!



On this site I will mostly use a version based on the (JPS).

“Behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, which parted them both asunder; and Eliyahu - Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven” Melachim B - 2 Kings 2:11 (JPS version of the Tanakh).


In this study I am taking you back to the days of the prophet Eliyahu - Elijah who was a special man of Elohim, blessed be He! However, unlike the three previous studies, I will not be writing on what he did during his days as a prophet, but I will cover one certain day when he and his assistant Elisha arrived in the Ye’richo - Jericho area.

The question arises “Was Eliyahu taken up in a chariot to heaven to be with our Heavenly Father, or not?” The Tanakh clearly states that;

“… and Eliyahu went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried: 'My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof” Melachim B - 2 Kings 2:11-12 (JPS).

From just reading this it certainly seems to be so! But, we should really look much closer to what is actually written and no not in English but in Ivrit - Hebrew which we have in the Tanakh!

Indeed on the surface it seems that He plainly contradicts what Melachim B - 2 Kings 2:11 seems to indicate, however, we do need to look very much closer at that event, for there is much more to it than meets the eye, and our minds. Personally, I am amazed that for centuries all those remarkably well educated rabbis have gotten it all so very, very wrong, and have taught us all an error! For the truth is Eliyahu – Elijah never went to the place we think of to be heaven, the place where our Elohim dwells, blessed be He!

Friends, what you should be really asking yourselves;

What is the Hebrew word for “heaven” and what does it mean, and if he is not with Elohim, then where did Eliyahu actually go? Also, what did it mean with what we were told so long ago?

As Eliyahu and his assistant, who would become the prophet Elisha had arrived at, or close to who had followed Eliyahu so faithfully, claimed that he would never stop following him, and therefore he was totally shocked when his beloved elder was taken away, for it was not long after Elisha had asked for a “double portion” of the spirit of Eliyahu. Now, let us look at the details of the story in the relevant writings in Melachim Bet - 2 Kings Chapter 2.

“When they had crossed over, that Eliyahu said to Elisha, ‘Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?’ Elisha said, ‘Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.’ So he said, ‘You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.’ Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Eliyahu - Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, ‘My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!’ So he saw him no more.” Melachim B - 2 Kings 2:9-12 (JPS).

Obviously we read that Elisha saw this happen with his own eyes, and it says clearly that - “Eliyahu - Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” But somehow everyone tends to forget what was written in part two of verse 12?

“And he saw him no more; and he took hold of his clothes and rent them in two pieces” verse 12 (JPS)

The truth is that he never thought that his master had gone into the heaven where Elohim was, for what did we Jews do upon a death, we tear our clothes! He assumed that Eliyahu died, but I can tell you that he did not, and this will be proven directly from the Tanakh a little later.

I am sure that you will have heard it, for throughout the centuries countless impassioned stories have been told how he was taken up to heaven and that he is now with Elohim. Let me give you something by a well known Jewish establishment.

“According to the Sages, Elijah the Prophet (Eliyahu in Hebrew) did not die in the incident, but ascended to Heaven alive. He was one of very few to have perfected himself to such a degree that he was permitted to enter Heaven during his lifetime. The other known example is Enoch, great-grandfather of Noach. As a result, Eliyahu became part human and part angel and eternal”.

To be honest the above is not factual or the truth, for ask yourself “Can a human being eternal?” No of course not, only the resurrected from the dead at that time will change and become new creatures and eternal living with the Angels, etc. But it just proves the type of error that is made by some of our rabbis of yesteryear.

Interestingly the most well known commentators state that he is with Elohim, blessed be He, but *Ibn Ezra (of blessed memory) has quite a different point of view that is covered in the following;

This great Torah scholar adhered to the literal sense of our blessed Tanakh, and he avoided rabbinic allegory and Kabbalistic interpretations. He exercised an independent criticism that, according to some obvious writers, exhibits a marked tendency toward rationalism. But unlike the rabbis who spend time in working out what a verse means, they are really the ones who do just that. But when one takes what is actually written, and researches the individual Hebrew words used, which is so vital, then the truth of what is really stated will come through!

*Avraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra was one of the most distinguished Jewish commentators of the Torah and the whole of the Tanakh and philosophers of the middle ages. Ibn Ezra was born in 1089 at Tudela in northern Spain.

I have heard so many fables, but sadly rabbis have the habit of gross miss-interpretation, for sometimes it seems that they may not have ever studied ancient Ivrit - Hebrew. Due to this event, those from the churches, such as priests, ministers and pastors blabber about the proverbial “pearly gates,” and that “great heavenly city”, and those who have passed away and are now “in heaven and are walking on streets of gold where there are grand mansions and will be there for all eternity?” I am very sorry, but I have some really bad news for them. The truth is that they are wherever they were placed on their burial day! We as Jews believe in the resurrection, I certainly do. But why then do we all believe in the resurrection, if our beloved ones who have passed away are already there and are already with  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name. Of course that they or Eliyahu are in heaven is simply absurd as they are not. Thus the question arises; what really happened to Eliyahu? That is precisely what this study is all about, and by the end it will become very clear to you!

Thus what did happen to Eliyahu - Elijah?

Did Eliyahu die, and went up to heaven? No he certainly did not die, or go to be with the Creator. Obviously he was not sick as he was still a strong man doing the work which Elohim, blessed be He, had set before him, and he was busily talking with the younger Elisha. But suddenly Elisha saw what seemed to be a fiery vision, and Eliyahu was taken up in bodily form into “heaven.” There is certainly no doubt that Elisha watched him go up until “he saw him no more.”

We need to consider the following; if it was a bright and clear day, how long do you think Elisha’s eyes would have been able to follow Eliyahu as he departed into “heaven”?

If he had, let’s say really good eyesight, he would have been able to see Eliyahu in the blazing and glittering spectacle of the fiery chariot and horses, for perhaps as much as 15,000 or 20,000 feet. But, eventually distance would have seemed to have “swallowed him up,” and he would have no longer been visible to Elisha's startled eyes!

Just think of your own experiences, how many times have you had the experience of hearing the muted thunder of an airplane from up high overhead, only to look up into the sky and be unable to see that aircraft? Perhaps you remember an occasion or two when you have been able to see the vapour trail left by the engines of the aircraft, and perhaps could even see it forming, moving across the sky high above, and still the airplane was so high your human eye could simply not quite pick it out.

Yet in spite of your failure, aboard that very airplane there could be around a hundred or more passengers, flight attendants serving meals, pushing carts up and down the aisle, as well as the flight crew in their seats in the cockpit, an airplane so big that a 6-foot man could stand up in the intake of just one of its big jet engines, and yet, because it is so high in the sky, you simply can’t see it! If it was a cloudy day when Eliyahu was “taken up into heaven,” then Elisha could only see him for a few hundred feet at the most!

Words that explain:

The truth is Eliyahu was taken up into the air, and let us therefore look at the word for “heaven” which in Hebrew is  - “shamayim”, which comes from a root word meaning “to be lofty.” The word also means “the sky” (as “aloft”) and alludes to the visible arch in which the clouds move. Thus, the word simply means “AIR” but it is also translated in the Scriptures as “heaven”. One or two outstanding examples of the interchangeable usage of this one word should suffice.

Notice! “And the windows of heaven were opened ...” (Bereshis - Genesis 7:11). “The windows of heaven were stopped…” - “The rain from heaven was restrained.” (Bereshis - Genesis 8:2). “…Whose top may reach unto heaven.” (Bereshis - Genesis 11:4).

These are only three examples of literally dozens throughout the Tanakh where the word “heaven” is obviously referring to this earth’s immediate atmosphere. In the first few quotations, reference is made to the flood of Noah. The “windows of heaven” refer to “thunderous rainstorms,” and are therefore dealing with the immediate envelope of air which covers this earth like a mantle and is, in fact, a literal part of our earth and it’s our immediate environment. Remember that    - “Mayim” means "water", as the Torah states that “Elohim divided  - (HaMayim) the water from the water”. Let us look at Bereshis - Genesis 1:6.

“And Elohim said; ‘Let there be a (raki’a - meaning a firmament, an expanse) in the midst of the () waters, and let it divide () the waters from the waters’. And Elohim made () the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament” Bereshis - Genesis 1:6-7 (JPS).

The scripture from Bereshis - Genesis 11 deals with the famed “Tower of Babel,” when mankind attempted to construct the very first “skyscraper.”

Now, notice how the identical word (shameh) is used for the word “air.”

“The fowl of ( = HaShamayim) the air” Bereshis - Genesis 1:26, 28.

“And every fowl of the air” Bereshis - Genesis 2:19.

“…Gave names ... to the fowl of the air…” Bereshis - Genesis 2:20.

“…Winged fowl that flyeth in the air…” Devarim - Deuteronomy 4:17.

“The birds of the air to rest on them…” 2 Shmuel – 2 Samuel 2:10.

“The way of an eagle in the air…” Mashley Shlomo - Proverbs 30:19.

In each of these, as well in a further 21 separate examples in the Tanakh, the identical Hebrew word that is also translated as “heaven” which is also rendered as “air.” The Hebrew word for “the air” is “HaShamayim” - , “Ha” = “the” and “Mayim” is “air”.

Thus, what I am actually telling you is really not too difficult for one who is genuinely supposed to be a “Torah - Tanakh scholar, and a Theologian,” for it were these rabbis who were the ones that were supposed to have translated our blessed Torah - Tanakh. But the question begs, was their Scriptural Hebrew really good enough to do the job, and to base their theology on it? Sadly the answer is NO! Because at a much later date, skilled translators of the Tanakh came to know that when the Word was referring to the “firmament” above the earth in which birds fly, it obviously is “the air,” and not the “heaven of Elohim’s throne”, blessed be He. But they for their own reason they never changed their erroneous teachings, and thus the error of Eliyahu having gone to heaven and residing eternally with Elohim persisted. This kind of teaching, sadly originated from the days when pagan’s believed in an eternal life in a heaven with their gods.

But there is something more regarding the “heaven” and I will cover this with two explanations.

1. Rabbinic belief is they said is stated in the “Oral Torah” (the Mishnah) that there are “seven heavens.” These rabbis of old believed that “there can be no real existence for the Written Law without the Oral.” Why then did Elohim, give Moshe 613 Mitzvot, and they in their Oral law added thousands more, many which are so ridiculous, and there are even a number of pages that is based on what you can and cannot do in the, well the smallest room in the house!

However the truth is that in reality the “Tanakh”, which in reality is the only genuine Book that containes the Words that Elohim gave his servants, the prophets, etc, that completely disputes what these rabbis have made up. The Talmud as we know it is a work entirely by rabbis of the 2nd century C.E., and these men did not even agree with each other, in Yeshiva’s to this day they still argue regarding so many points of the actual Torah, and all of the Tanakh! I believe that what is in the Tanakh is the only truth, and no man can chance a single letter of it as is clearly stated in Devarim - Deuteronomy chapter 4.

You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of  your Elohim which I command you.” Devarim - Deuteronomy 4:2. (JPS version of the Tanakh).

2. The Tanakh only speaks regarding Three Heavens and these are the atmosphere surrounding the Earth which is called heaven, the universe also called heaven, and the Heaven where Elohim dwells, blessed be He.

I will return to the Heaven question and re the location of  Elohim’s throne, blessed be His Sanctified Name! I will cover that shortly.

What did Elisha see?

Thus what Elisha saw, was the disappearance of Eliyahu through a miracle by Elohim, with a fiery chariot that took him up “in the AIR” until he was out of Elisha’s sight

Thus be assured, regardless what we have been told us, Eliyahu did NOT go to heaven and is residing with  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name!

What happened to Eliyahu?

We may well ask; if so, what did happen to Eliyahu and where did he go?”

I pray that the above has not come as too much of a shock to you. I know for sure, what this study contains only came to me when I had a sort of a revelation as I was reading Melachim B - 2 Kings 2:9-12 a long time ago. The sad fact is that the general teaching has been wrong, for the truth is, as has already been shown to us in the Word of  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name. So what happened to him, well he was taken up and the fact is that he was removed from Yisroel for the obvious reason, the king Ahab - Achav and his evil wife Yezebel - Jezebel were out to kill him!

Remember what  - “HaMayim” means the water and  raki’a means, a firmament, an expanse. That was certainly not the place where Elohim resides, although he is Omnipresent and is everywhere.

Devarim - Deuteronomy 6:4 provides us with the blessed “Shema Yisroel” and therefore we believe that all existence in heaven and on earth comes from  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, and believe that Elohim alone must be worshipped. We should all know that the nature of Elohim is omnipresent, for He is present everywhere. Whilst the omnipotent Elohim, blessed be He, is all-powerful and is able to do all things that are consistent with His Nature. And He lives in what is known as the seventh heaven.

The rabbis “seventh heaven”, in Hebrew is known as “Aravoth” as they have decided that it is the holiest of the seven heavens as it houses the Throne of Elohim thus being the realm in which Elohim, blessed be He, dwells and it is the highest of all the Heavens.

But obviously this is completely untrue, we know as the lower atmosphere which is known as  Shamayim, and below is a diagram of it as it only goes 30 km high, and this is where Eliyahu went when he was taken in that chariot!

The problem with mans retranslating things from our precious Tanakh is that they do not use one vital tool and that is something we must do: This is what I wrote many years ago, when I first became a rabbi;

We should realise that words can make a meaning quite different to what may be first assumed, even though the word may seem to say the same thing, but sadly, translators in reality had often little to no understanding of some of the true Hebrew inner thoughts and meanings of the Word. Therefore it is vital that we use and understand the three vital points below.

1. Who was  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, speaking to?

2. When was it said?

3. How was His Word understood at the time it was spoken and given?

By not understanding a most important principle, based on the above, is the very reason that certain translators and over zealous rabbis of old, who would argue with each other at the Yeshiva, or at Shul (Synagogue) missed some the beauty, the treasures of the Tanakh, and thus losing the full understanding of some words.

Why was Eliyahu moved?

The truth is that Eliyahu was moved out and away of Yisroel and placed in Yehudah - Judah, for it is clearly told in the Tanakh that after the death of king Achav - Ahab, Eliyahu wrote a letter of warning to Jehoram - Yehoram the new king of Yehudah - Judah warning him what would happen because of his evil ways.

Below, I will provide you with a transcript from Eliyahu’s letter from Divre Hayyamim B - 2 Chronicles chapter 21, direct from the “Jewish Publication Society” version of the Tanakh, and we will discover that the result of this evil king’s life would be a horrid death, similar but different to that of Israel’s evil king Ahab - Achav.

Thus Eliyahu the prophet sent Yehoram a letter which read;

“And there came a writing to him (king Yehoram) from Eliyahu the prophet, saying: ‘Thus saith , the Elohim of Dovid thy father: Because thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor in the ways of Asa king of Yehudah, but hast walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and hast made Yehudah and the inhabitants of Yerushalayim to go astray, like as the house of Achav made (Yisroel) to go astray; and also hast slain thy brethren of thy father’s house, who were better than thyself; behold,  will smite with a great plague thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy substance; and thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness, day by day.’

And  stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians that are beside the Ethiopians; and they came up against Yehudah, and broke into it, and carried away all the substance that was found in the king's house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left to him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons.

And after all this  smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease. And it came to pass, that in process of time, at the end of two years, his bowels fell out by reason of his sickness, and he died of sore diseases. And his people made no burning for him, like the burning for his fathers. Thirty and two years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years; and he departed joyless; and they buried him in the city of Dovid, but not in the sepulchres of the kings” Divre Hayyamim B - 2 Chronicles 21:12-20 (Jewish Publication Society version of the Tanakh).

In Divre Hayyamim B - 2 Chronicles 21:5, we are told  that Yehoram of the fifth king of Yehudah - Judah came to the throne when he was thirty-two years of age. This was as we know about the year 849 B.C.E. And obviously this is after the ascension of Eliyahu into  “Shamayim”. Verse 12 of chapter 21 tells that a letter was written by the prophet Eliyahu to king Yehoram and this will cast doubt as to the actual whereabouts of Eliyahu, thus Yehoram received the letter from Eliyahu, therefore it is obvious that Eliyahu could not have been in heaven with the Creator as has been alleged!

Can we be sure it was written after He was taken into the air?

We certainly can be sure, for let us look at the dates of these two kings reign: King Achav of Israel reigned from 874 to 853 B.C.E. when he died, whilst king Jehoram - Yoram officially reigned as king in Yehudah after his death from 849 to 842 B.C.E., thus he reigned 4 years after king Achav had died.

Thus, I trust that it has become clear that Eliyahu was still alive and well, after he was taken up in a whirlwind in that fiery chariot, which the Almighty indeed did by His blessed and mighty hand, for  removed him and allowed Elisha a “double portion” in order for him to continue the work that Eliyahu had commenced, but for reasons of His own Elohim, blessed be He, took Eliyahu His faithful servant to another place, to live in a safe place! Only  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, knows why He had to remove him! But, later he would have died like any of the other faithful prophets of Elohim and he will be raised up in that day to come as will king Dovid, and the greatest prophet of the Tanakh Moshe Rabeinu together with all the true faithful of  Elohim, praise His wonderful and Sanctified Name!

Another question is, can “Souls” go to Heaven?.

There is so much confusion when it comes to this subject, for there are those who claim; 1. There are those who will tell you that “souls will not go to heaven”. Whilst, 2. the popular belief is that “It is not the person who goes to heaven, only the soul of that person goes!” Hang on a minute, “the soul?” Show me in the Tanakh about the soul, just think of what we are given upon birth, and that is taken at the end, think about this carefully and you will realise that it is “breath” which in Hebrew is “Ruach”, the same word as “spirit”. That is the gift we are given at birth and it returns to Him who gave it to us at the end! Thus it is our “Ruach” that goes to heaven and remains with Elohim until our resurrection!

When looking up definitions re the word “soul”, in the Tanakh never does the word “soul” mean anything that is extra physical; spiritual or even immortal. Adam was made and became a living “nefesh” which translates to soul which means a “body”.

“Then  Elohim formed man (Heb. man = “adam”) of the dust (Heb. Adamah = dust or earth) of the ground, and breathed (Heb. Neshamah - blew, wind) into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living (Nefesh) soul” Bereshis - Genesis 2:7 (JPS with Hebrew clarifications).

In a sense, eternal life is something we are born with for at birth we were filled with Ruach (spirit and breadth). Thus we received our breadth and at the end of life it returns to Elohim, blessed be He.

But the Word of Elohim also clearly states, that the wages of sin will KILL you! It says the penalty for breaking Elohim’s Ten Commandments is death! It says that, on the other hand, the gift of Elohim, blessed be He, for the faithful is the opposite of death and that is eternal life at the time of the resurrection!

The Word insists that  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, alone has immortality and that we can ultimately receive this as a gift, which comes through our sincere repentance and working hard not to do those things that are wrong!

Thus you do not and cannot have an “immortal soul,” for 1. There is no such a thing. 2. We are all born as physical, breathing and mortal human beings and we are all subject to death. When we die we go to the grave, and we are completely oblivious, unconscious, of the passage of time, and as our bodies go, our “Ruach - breath” awaits our resurrection!

As we now know Eliyahu was taken up and out of sight from Elisha, but then at a later time Eliyahu wrote a letter to that evil (the 5th) king of Yehudah - Judah, Jehoram - Yoram, and then at a later time Eliyahu would have died. Thus, if we believe the events of the Tanakh we have to believe that Eliyahu - Elijah died at a later date most likely in Yehudah.

I am sure that parts of this study may have shocked you somewhat, however, there is more proof from our beloved Tanakh and it should change some of our old ideas, as the teachings in the past would, or may have been very different! But remember this, those same rabbis also gave us a man-made law, which they call the “Oral-Law” which is NOT from  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name. These rabbis over a certain time added thousands of new laws, whilst the truth is we were given 613 Mitzvot in the Torah by our Elohim, blessed be He.

What did our Elohim so clearly tell us regarding meddling with the Torah, the Law? I will repeat what I wrote earlier …

You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of  your Elohim which I command you.” Devarim - Deuteronomy 4:2. (JPS version of the Tanakh).

“Be careful to obey the Torah My servant Moshe gave you. Do not turn from it, not to the right or to the left. Only My Word stands forever.” Devarim - Deuteronomy 5:32. (JPS).

“If thou shalt hearken to the Voice of  thy Elohim, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the law; if thou turn unto  thy Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not too hard for thee, neither is it far off” Devarim - Deuteronomy 30:10-11 (JPS).

Beloved, you must reject the false teachings that have gone on for far too long, and get back to the wonderful Word of Truth, Do not trust man, no not even what I have told you, but trust what Our Elohim, blessed be He, is saying to you, and if He has blessed you with His discernment, then you will know what is true and good! Then remember to go and read all of the Tanakh, for it contains the words that our Elohim gave His chosen servants, if what man teaches you something and it does not line up with our Tanakh then you must disregard the words and teachings of men, even the rabbis and believe in Elohim’s Words!

I pray that you will have the desire to seek out the truth that can only be found in the beloved Torah and the whole of our blessed Tanakh!

May the Shalom (Peace) of Elohim fill you, your family and your home!

Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham.


The Eliyahu - Elijah INDEX:

Page 1 … Eliyahu Part One


Page 2 … Eliyahu Part Two


Page 3 … Eliyahu Part Three


Page 4 … Eliyahu Part Four … This page.


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Please Note: On many pages of this site, we will use the four letter “Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit -  - Y-H-V-H, which we Jews usually pronounce as “HaShem” or “Adonai”.


*This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15.




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