The second line with the “Shema Yisroel”

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Doctorates are as follows:

1. of Literature, 2. of Philosophy, 3. of Hebrew Literature/Letters.

4. of Hebrew Studies. 5. of Hebrew (Jewish) Studies.


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Please Note: On this page I will be showing, for we always  used the most blessed four letter *“Memorial Name” of our beloved Creator in Ivrit -  - Y-H-V-H, blessed  be His Sanctified Name, which we usually pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem” prior the destruction of the Second Temple. However at all times please treat the most blessed Name with great Sanctity, and when we even see the Holy Name, we should say “Blessed be His Sanctified Name.”


Throughout the site I will use a version based on the “Jewish Publication Society” (JPS) version of the Torah/Tanakh (Torah - Law/Neviim -Prophets/Ketuvim Writtings).


Please Note: Some verse numbers may vary in some version’s of non Jewish Bibles.

*“This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15. (JPS version of the Torah).Society (JPS) of the Torah, Nevi’im (Prophets), & Ketuvim (Writings).

Although some corrections have been made relating to names honouring our beloved Elohim, blessed be He!.

Please Note: Verse numbers may at times vary in non-Jewish Bibles.

A Question Asked from a German Shul

“Why do we have a second Line below the …



I was asked some time back, per email the above question in RED, by a faithful Hebraic young man in from a Synagogue I visited in the 1980’s in South Germany.

“Dear Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham, we do miss you so much, when re you returning to Europe we would so much like to see and hear you again, as we learned so much from you? Thanks to you Rabbi. However there have been many asking a number of questions, and we know that you are so very straight and firm when it comes to our beloved Torah, for we continue to read your wonderful studies online. Yet we still wish you were here. We had several Dutch and English visitors to our Synagogogue and they all remember you so well, as you obviously travelled so vastly to many places when in Europe. May I ask you Rabbi, as this question keeps on coming up all the time, whenever we are saying our beloved “Shema Yisrael” why is the second line added to it for it is not found anywhere in the Torah, etc, and we all just wonder is that just and rabbinic addition? But the Shema is of course for me and for the vast of the Shul the heart of the grandeur of the Shema Israel, so why did they fiddled with it; do you have any thoughts on this subject? I pray Rabbi I have not offended you my question, buy it is causing some problem’s here as well in other Shul’s for these Chabad-Lubavitcher’s are now taking over so many of our Orthodox Synagogogue’s throughout Germany which is so wrong. Our Rabbi refuses to allow these Lubavitcher’s even to enter though the front door, for they always have a plan to take us over as he has told us, for they have entered other shul in order to take it over one way or another. We have seen that in other Shul’s and it is so sad for they have been so greatly changed and they teach the weirdest things. Für jetzt Shalom Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham, dein Deutscher Freund in Elohim, Noan” - (“For now Shalom Dr.Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham, your German friend in Elohim, Noan”).

Short Reply:

Mein guter Freund Noan, und an all die wunderbaren Mitglieder in deiner Schule, (My good friend Noan, and to all the wonderful members at your Shul). I certainly remember having such a wonderful time when I spent a short time with you all! Although it was a too short a time (two days with you) with you all, I just wish it could have been so much longer! But it was certainly such a wonderful time with an enthusiastic group of young and older Yidden who wish to stay close to the origins of our original faith as it was before the destruction of the second temple when it was so much more that special and so much more Torah based!

Dear Noan I am so sorry, I am now unable to travel due to my old age and rather poor heath, thus please use what is online to guide you all my dear friends!”

But let me start with the “Smema Yisroel”

Q. I know that the text of the Shema appears in the Torah, except for that second line, Baruch Shem. Why do we add this line during prayers? Also, why do we say the line quietly during the year, but out aloud on Yom Kippur?

A. The line reads,

Baruch shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va’ed – “Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever”. (From the Siddur).

Unlike the Shema itself, Baruch Shem is a liturgical response used in the Temple when the name of Elohim was pronounced.

Originally the verse was simply Baruch shem k’vodo l’olam, “Blessed be His glorious Name” Tehillim - Psalm 72:19 Based on the “Jewish Publication Society” (JPS) version of the Ketuvim-Writings). (part of the verse).

But then later the rabbis decided to add more to the Shema, for they just found it was just not enough, and they had to add new countless laws above the 613 we have in the Torah, for Elohim’s Words, Blessed Be He, just meant nothing to them, no wonder He cursed them!

You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of  your Elohim which I command you”. Davarim - Deuteronomy 4:2-3. (JPS version of the Torah).

Keep the Commandment,  your Elohim, Blessed be His Sanctified Name, did mean ONLY HIS 613 mitzvoth!

“Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it”. Davarim - Deuteronomy 12:32. (JPS version of the Torah).

Rabbis simply cannot help it they love to add and add, just look at our massive prayer cycle that we have now, it is certainly that I do not love to pray, but they have made it out of control!

Obviously the second line is entirely another rabbinic addition, for they just cannot help it this second verse they decided is to be recited silently during congregational worship (except on Yom Kippur, when it is recited aloud).

Whilst in Reform and Conservative Judaism, it is recited aloud, but in a quieter voice than the rest of the prayer. It was originally a liturgical response in use in the Temple when the Name of Name of Elohim, blessed  be He, was pronounced and took the form of “Baruch shem k’vod l’olam - "Blessed be his glorious name forever" (Tehillim - Psalm 72:19).

However, in time the words “malchuto” ("His kingdom") and va’ed (“for ever and ever”) were added later. Malchuto” was introduced by the rabbis during Roman rule. “Va’ed was introduced at the time of the Second Temple to contrast the view of the minim (the heretics) who believed that there is no life after death. Whilst the Chabad-Lubavitcher’s actually pray to the dead and ask their long dead Rabbi Schneerson to do miracles, And on of their colour cards handed out in the USA and Yisroel, published by the USA & Israel Chabad-Lubavitcher Movement. What is so sad that it has a photo of the late Rabbiand below his image in English is written … “This is the God Mashiach”. It is a sad state what some rabbis will do!

Baruch Shem therefore emphasised that the kingdom of Elohim was l’olam va’ed, covering all time and space.

Throughout the year Baruch Shem is said softly, probably because it is non-Biblical and less sacred than the Shema itself. On Yom Kippur, we recall the solemnity with which the people responded when the high priest uttered the ineffable name of Elohim. This historical association explains why Baruch Shem receives such once-yearly emphasis.

Another story relates that Moshe heard the angels say Baruch Shem in heaven and he taught it to Israel.

Generally we recite it in a whisper, because we are conscious of our mortal frailty; on Yom Kippur we are cleansed from sin, emulate the purity of the angels, and echo the angelic words aloud. However, our spirituality usually does not survive Yom Kippur and we are fallible human beings again with the old vices and lapses.

But of course the rabbis of that time simply could not leave it at that, for After the Second Temple had been destroyed, they had already changed our faith to a new name, it was then called “Rabbinic Judaism”, today we are just called Jews, after Judah, But what about the other 11 Tribes, they are still with us, I have absolute proof of that in my Studies.. The Midrash states that Ya’aqov - Jacob (also called Israel) was desperately concerned lest his sons deny Elohim. “Hear, Israel!” they reassured him, “ is our Elohim, the one !”

In relief Jacob exclaimed Baruch Shem – “Thank Elohim! Blessed be His glorious name for ever!”

The legend has its point for today, when the Beit Yisroel in some people burns so feebly that one fears their faith is weakening, until on Yom Kippur there is a grand manifestation of faith and like Ya’aqov - Jacob we are impelled to exclaim, Baruch YHVH Elohim! – “Thank  Elohim”, blessed be His Sanctified Name!

And always remember our motto seen on the image above: “The More Torah, the More Life”, for  Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, is the One who gave us our Life!”

The Shema Yisroel as it should be!

Dr. Rabbi Reuven Ben-Avraham.


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